
92 lines
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"The SPL stream is an IO construct used to read and write to ";
"some external thing, for example a file or a TCP socket.";
"All functions here are encapsulations of their native counterparts.";
"def tcp 'localhost' 8080 StreamType:tcp:create =tcp";
"def file 'test.txt' 1 StreamType:file:create =file 'hi':to-bytes file:write-exact; file:close null =file";
construct Stream {
construct { this | with type this ;
type new-stream this:=id
read-one { mega | with this ;
def buf 1 anew =buf
while { buf this:id read-stream not } { }
0 buf:get _mega
"the buffer is written to in-place.";
read { mega [int] | with buf this ;
buf gettype "mega" eq if { buf anew =buf }
buf this:id read-stream buf
"the buffer is written to in-place.";
read-exact { [int] | with buf this ;
buf gettype "mega" eq if { buf anew =buf }
buf this:id read-all-stream buf
read-to-end { [int] | with buf this ;
def full 0 anew =full
buf gettype "mega" eq if { buf anew =buf }
def read
while { buf this:id read-stream pop _mega dup =read } {
full (0 read buf:sub) aadd =full
write { mega | with buf this ;
buf this:id write-stream
write-exact { | with buf this ;
buf this:id write-all-stream
flush { | with this ;
this:id flush-stream
close { | with this ;
this:id close-stream
construct StreamType {
construct { this | with id this ;
id this:=id
create { Stream | with this ;
this:id Stream:new
def stream-types 0 anew =stream-types
construct _StreamType {
construct { this | with this ;
{ | with type ;
"type StreamType:new this:=<type>";
(type StreamType:new) (this ("=" type concat)) dyn-objcall
} stream-types:foreach
func register-stream-type { | with id ;
[ stream-types:to-stack id ] =stream-types
id _StreamType dyn-def-field
"tcp" register-stream-type
"udp" register-stream-type
"file" register-stream-type
func StreamTypes { _StreamType |