"#stream.spl" import "#http.spl" import "SPL tester" =program-name func main { int | with args ; def thing 1 anew =thing "hi" 0 thing:unwrap:set; def thing2 thing:unwrap List:new:from =thing2 "world" thing2:unwrap:push "hello" 0 thing2:unwrap:insert "printing first two words of 'hello hi world' (should be 'hello hi')" println " " print 0 thing2:unwrap:get print " " print 1 thing2:unwrap:get println "removing hello" println thing2:pop-front; "printing first two words again" println " " print 0 thing2:unwrap:get print " " print 1 thing2:unwrap:get println "" println "testing closures and func-ptrs" println def thingy "heya1" =thingy "thingy println" dyn-read call "heya2" =thingy { | thingy println } call def ptr &println =ptr "ptr works" ptr call &&println =ptr "ptr-ptr works" ptr call call thingy:&unwrap =ptr "unwrap-ptr works" ptr call println thingy:&&unwrap =ptr "unwrap-ptr-ptr works" ptr call call println "" println "testing if" println def a "test" =a def b "test" =b a b eq dup if { a " is equal to " b concat concat println } not if { a " is not equal to " b concat concat panic } a b assert-eq; "" println "testing ranges & iterators: (0..30@5) + 1" println def range 5 (0 30 Range:new):set-step =range range:iter { | 1 + } swap:map { | _str println } swap:foreach "" println "testing Iter:sum of 5 10s" println 0 5 Range:new:iter { | pop 10 } swap:map :sum _str println "" println "testing MicroMap" println def map MicroMap:new =map "hey" "hello" map:set; "helloworld" "Hello, World" map:set; "{ " print { | with item ; "'" print 0 item:get print "': '" print 1 item:get print "', " print } map:foreach "}" println "" println "Running with args: " print argv:iter { str | " " concat } swap:map &print swap:foreach "" println "testing stream" println def file "test.txt" 1 StreamTypes:file:create =file "hi\n" :to-bytes file:write-exact; file:close null =file "" println "testing split" println { | println } (" " "hello how are you" :split):foreach "" println catch { use net:http:Request "testing http" println def req "tudbut.de" 81 "GET" "/spltest" Request:new =req req:send:body _str println } with { with e ; e:message println "it seems the internet is not available" println } "" println "testing cache" println 2 cached-test _str println 3 cached-test _str println 2 cached-test _str println 3 cached-test _str println "" println catch { "heya" throw } with { with e ; e:message println } 100 } func cached-test { mega | 1 "cached-test" cache <{ { mega | with i ; i 2 * "calculated " i _str concat println } } }