use spl::{find_in_splpath, lex, oxidizer::RustAppBuilder, start_file_in_runtime, Runtime, SetRuntime}; use std::{env::args, fs}; fn main() { Runtime::new().set(); let mut args = args().skip(1); let arg = &args .next() .unwrap_or_else(|| find_in_splpath("repl.spl").expect("no file to be run")); if arg == "--build" || arg == "--run" || arg == "--buildrun" { let file =; let data = fs::read_to_string(file.clone()).expect("unable to read specified file"); let build_only = arg == "--build"; if build_only { println!("Building SPL with specified natives file..."); } let mut builder = RustAppBuilder::new(); if build_only { if let Some(name) = { builder.set_name(name); } println!("Embedding source..."); } builder.add_source(file.to_owned(), data.to_owned()); if build_only { println!("Preparing rust code..."); } builder.prepare(lex(data.to_owned()).expect("invalid SPL in natives file.")); if build_only { println!("Building..."); } let app = || arg == "--buildrun").unwrap(); if build_only { println!("Built! Binary is {}", app.get_binary()); } else { let mut args: Vec = args.collect(); args.insert(0, file); let mut command = app.execute(args).unwrap(); if arg != "--buildrun" { println!("spl: cleaning temporary dir (run with --buildrun to keep)"); app.delete(); } command.wait().unwrap(); } return; } if let Err(x) = start_file_in_runtime(arg) { println!("{x:?}"); } Runtime::reset(); }