# ProjBotV3 Projector Bot V3, written in rust this time. [V2](https://github.com/tudbut/projectorbotv2_full) ## Quick start 1. Download the executable from https://github.com/tudbut/projbotv3/releases/latest 2. Download ffmpeg using [the official but complicated process](https://ffmpeg.org/), your package manager of choice, or from the releases page of this repo. 3. Download a video 4. Put all these downloaded files into the same folder 5. Start a CMD or terminal, `cd WHERE_YOU_PUT_THE_FILES` and run the executable using `./projbotv3 TOKEN_HERE`. ## How to build it First, install this by [installing the rust toolchain](https://rustup.rs) and then running `cargo install --git ` followed by the link to this repo. Afterwards, you can use it like this (linux) ``` $ # the ytdl command is just an example $ ytdl -q 18 -o vid.out https://youtu.be/FtutLA63Cp8 # download a video to vid.mp4 $ projbotv3 $(cat bot-token) # assuming there is a file called bot-token containing the bot token ``` (windows) `projbotv3 BOT_TOKEN_HERE` (sadly, windows does not support putting that in files) The bot will now convert the video into its preferred format and then connect to discord. ### Useful commands ~~So far, V3 isn't fully automatically converting the images. Either use V2 for that, or run these commands and figure out a way to merge multiple pngs to a gif.~~ It is now able to do all this automatically. ``` ffmpeg -i vid.mp4 -vf fps=fps=30 -deadline realtime vid_30fps.mp4 ffmpeg -i vid_30fps.mp4 -vf scale=240:180,setsar=1:1 -deadline realtime vid/%0d.png # at this point a merger for multiple pngs to a gif is needed ffmpeg -i vid.mp4 -deadline realtime aud.opus && mv aud.opus aud_encoded ```