import*; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * @author TudbuT * @since 04 Mar 2022 */ public class ISBPL { static boolean debug = false; public ISBPLDebugger.IPC debuggerIPC = new ISBPLDebugger.IPC(); ArrayList types = new ArrayList<>(); Stack> functionStack = new Stack<>(); HashMap vars = new HashMap<>(); ArrayList lastWords = new ArrayList<>(16); int exitCode; public ISBPL() { functionStack.push(new HashMap<>()); } public ISBPLKeyword getKeyword(String word) { switch (word) { case "native": return (idx, words, file, stack) -> { idx++; addNative(words[idx], stack); return idx; }; case "func": return (i1, words1, stack1, stack12) -> createFunction(i1, words1, stack12); case "def": return (idx, words, file, stack) -> { idx++; Object var = new Object(); functionStack.peek().put(words[idx], (file1) -> stack.push(vars.get(var))); functionStack.peek().put("=" + words[idx], (file1) -> vars.put(var, stack.pop())); return idx; }; case "if": return (idx, words, file, stack) -> { idx++; AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(idx); ISBPLCallable callable = readBlock(i, words, stack, false); if(stack.pop().isTruthy()) {; } return i.get(); }; case "while": return (idx, words, file, stack) -> { idx++; AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(idx); ISBPLCallable cond = readBlock(i, words, stack, false); i.getAndIncrement(); ISBPLCallable block = readBlock(i, words, stack, false);; while (stack.pop().isTruthy()) {;; } return i.get(); }; case "stop": return (idx, words, file, stack) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); o.checkType(getType("int")); throw new ISBPLStop((int) o.object); }; case "try": return (idx, words, file, stack) -> { idx++; ISBPLObject array = stack.pop(); array.checkTypeMulti(getType("array"), getType("string")); String[] allowed; if("string")) { allowed = new String[] { toJavaString(array) }; } else { ISBPLObject[] arr = ((ISBPLObject[]) array.object); allowed = new String[arr.length]; for (int i = 0 ; i < arr.length ; i++) { allowed[i] = toJavaString(arr[i]); } } AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(idx); ISBPLCallable block = readBlock(i, words, stack, false); i.getAndIncrement(); ISBPLCallable catcher = readBlock(i, words, stack, false); try {; } catch (ISBPLError error) { if (Arrays.asList(allowed).contains(error.type) || allowed.length != 1 && allowed[0].equals("all")) { stack.push(toISBPLString(error.message)); stack.push(toISBPLString(error.type));; } else { throw error; } } return i.get(); }; case "do": return (idx, words, file, stack) -> { idx++; AtomicInteger i = new AtomicInteger(idx); ISBPLCallable block = readBlock(i, words, stack, false); i.getAndIncrement(); ISBPLCallable catcher = readBlock(i, words, stack, false); try {; } finally {; } return i.get(); }; default: return null; } } @SuppressWarnings("RedundantCast") private void addNative(String name, Stack stack) { ISBPLCallable func = null; switch (name) { case "alen": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); o.checkType(getType("array")); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), ((ISBPLObject[]) o.object).length)); }; break; case "aget": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject i = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); i.checkType(getType("int")); o.checkType(getType("array")); stack.push(((ISBPLObject[]) o.object)[((int) i.object)]); }; break; case "aput": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject toPut = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject i = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); i.checkType(getType("int")); o.checkType(getType("array")); ((ISBPLObject[]) o.object)[((int) i.object)] = toPut; }; break; case "anew": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject i = stack.pop(); i.checkType(getType("int")); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("array"), new ISBPLObject[((int) i.object)])); }; break; case "_array": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject a = stack.pop(); if(a.type.equals(getType("array"))) stack.push(a); else if(a.object instanceof ISBPLObject[]) stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("array"), a.object)); else typeError(, "array"); }; break; case "_char": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); o.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("char"), ((char) o.toLong()))); }; break; case "_byte": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); o.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("byte"), ((byte) o.toLong()))); }; break; case "_int": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); o.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), ((int) o.toLong()))); }; break; case "_float": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); o.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("float"), ((float) o.toDouble()))); }; break; case "_long": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); o.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("long"), o.toLong())); }; break; case "_double": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); o.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("double"), o.toDouble())); }; break; case "ischar": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), o.type.equals(getType("char")) ? 1 : 0)); }; break; case "isbyte": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), o.type.equals(getType("byte")) ? 1 : 0)); }; break; case "isint": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), o.type.equals(getType("int")) ? 1 : 0)); }; break; case "isfloat": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), o.type.equals(getType("float")) ? 1 : 0)); }; break; case "islong": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), o.type.equals(getType("long")) ? 1 : 0)); }; break; case "isdouble": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), o.type.equals(getType("double")) ? 1 : 0)); }; break; case "isarray": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), o.type.equals(getType("array")) ? 1 : 0)); }; break; case "_layer_call": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject i = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject s = stack.pop(); i.checkType(getType("int")); functionStack.get(functionStack.size() - 1 - ((int) i.object)).get(toJavaString(s)).call(file); }; break; case "include": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject s = stack.pop(); String filepath = toJavaString(s); processPath: { if (filepath.startsWith("/")) break processPath; if (filepath.startsWith("#")) { filepath = System.getenv().getOrDefault("ISBPL_PATH", "/usr/lib/isbpl") + "/" + filepath.substring(1); break processPath; } filepath = file.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath() + "/" + filepath; } File f = new File(filepath).getAbsoluteFile(); try { interpret(f, readFile(f), stack); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ISBPLError("IO", "Couldn't find file " + filepath + " required by include keyword."); } }; break; case "putchar": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject c = stack.pop(); c.checkType(getType("char")); System.out.print(((char) c.object)); }; break; case "eputchar": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject c = stack.pop(); c.checkType(getType("char")); System.err.print(((char) c.object)); }; break; case "_file": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject s = stack.pop(); File f = new File(toJavaString(s)); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("file"), f)); }; break; case "read": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject end = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject begin = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject fileToRead = stack.pop(); end.checkType(getType("int")); begin.checkType(getType("int")); fileToRead.checkType(getType("file")); try { FileInputStream f = new FileInputStream((File) fileToRead.object); int b = ((int) begin.object); int e = ((int) end.object); byte[] bytes = new byte[e - b];, b, e); ISBPLObject[] arr = new ISBPLObject[bytes.length]; for (int i = 0 ; i < arr.length ; i++) { arr[i] = new ISBPLObject(getType("byte"), bytes[i]); } stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("array"), arr)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new ISBPLError("FileNotFound", "File not found."); } catch (IOException e) { throw new ISBPLError("IO", "File couldn't be read from" + (e.getMessage() != null ? ": " + e.getMessage() : ".")); } }; break; case "flength": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject f = stack.pop(); f.checkType(getType("file")); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), ((int) ((File) f.object).length()))); }; break; case "write": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject content = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject fileToWrite = stack.pop(); content.checkType(getType("array")); fileToWrite.checkType(getType("file")); throw new ISBPLError("NotImplemented", "_file write is not implemented"); }; break; case "getos": func = (File file) -> { // TODO: This is not done yet, and it's horrible so far. stack.push(toISBPLString("linux")); }; break; case "mktype": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject s = stack.pop(); ISBPLType type = registerType(toJavaString(s)); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"),; }; break; case "typename": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject i = stack.pop(); i.checkType(getType("int")); stack.push(toISBPLString(types.get(((int) i.object)).name)); }; break; case "gettype": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"),; }; break; case "settype": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject i = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); i.checkType(getType("int")); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(types.get(((int) i.object)), o.object)); }; break; case "throw": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject message = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject type = stack.pop(); String msg = toJavaString(message); String t = toJavaString(type); throw new ISBPLError(t, msg); }; break; case "exit": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject code = stack.pop(); code.checkType(getType("int")); exitCode = ((int) code.object); throw new ISBPLStop(0); }; break; case "eq": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o1 = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject o2 = stack.pop(); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), o1.equals(o2) ? 1 : 0)); }; break; case "gt": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o2 = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject o1 = stack.pop(); o1.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); o2.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), o1.toDouble() > o2.toDouble() ? 1 : 0)); }; break; case "lt": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o2 = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject o1 = stack.pop(); o1.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); o2.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), o1.toDouble() < o2.toDouble() ? 1 : 0)); }; break; case "not": func = (File file) -> { stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), stack.pop().isTruthy() ? 0 : 1)); }; break; case "neg": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); o.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(o.type, o.negative())); }; break; case "or": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o2 = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject o1 = stack.pop(); if(o1.isTruthy()) stack.push(o1); else stack.push(o2); }; break; case "and": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o2 = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject o1 = stack.pop(); // Pushes either 1 or the failed object if (o1.isTruthy()) { if (o2.isTruthy()) stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), 1)); else stack.push(o2); } else stack.push(o1); }; break; case "+": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o2 = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject o1 = stack.pop(); o1.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); o2.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); Object object1 = o1.object; Object object2 = o2.object; ISBPLObject r = null; if(object1 instanceof Integer && object2 instanceof Integer) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), (int) ((int) (Integer) object1 + (int) (Integer) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Long && object2 instanceof Long) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("long"), (long) ((long) (Long) object1 + (long) (Long) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Character && object2 instanceof Character) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("char"), (char) ((char) (Character) object1 + (char) (Character) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Byte && object2 instanceof Byte) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("byte"), (byte) (Byte.toUnsignedInt((Byte) object1) + Byte.toUnsignedInt((Byte) object2))); } if(object1 instanceof Float && object2 instanceof Float) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("float"), (float) ((float) (Float) object1 + (float) (Float) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Double && object2 instanceof Double) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("double"), (double) ((double) (Double) object1 + (double) (Double) object2)); } if(r != null) stack.push(r); else typeError(,; }; break; case "-": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o2 = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject o1 = stack.pop(); o1.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); o2.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); Object object1 = o1.object; Object object2 = o2.object; ISBPLObject r = null; if(object1 instanceof Integer && object2 instanceof Integer) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), (int) ((int) (Integer) object1 - (int) (Integer) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Long && object2 instanceof Long) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("long"), (long) ((long) (Long) object1 - (long) (Long) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Character && object2 instanceof Character) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("char"), (char) ((char) (Character) object1 - (char) (Character) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Byte && object2 instanceof Byte) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("byte"), (byte) (Byte.toUnsignedInt((Byte) object1) - Byte.toUnsignedInt((Byte) object2))); } if(object1 instanceof Float && object2 instanceof Float) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("float"), (float) ((float) (Float) object1 - (float) (Float) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Double && object2 instanceof Double) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("double"), (double) ((double) (Double) object1 - (double) (Double) object2)); } if(r != null) stack.push(r); else typeError(,; }; break; case "/": func = (File file) -> { try { ISBPLObject o2 = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject o1 = stack.pop(); o1.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); o2.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); Object object1 = o1.object; Object object2 = o2.object; ISBPLObject r = null; if (object1 instanceof Integer && object2 instanceof Integer) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), (int) ((int) (Integer) object1 / (int) (Integer) object2)); } if (object1 instanceof Long && object2 instanceof Long) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("long"), (long) ((long) (Long) object1 / (long) (Long) object2)); } if (object1 instanceof Character && object2 instanceof Character) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("char"), (char) ((char) (Character) object1 / (char) (Character) object2)); } if (object1 instanceof Byte && object2 instanceof Byte) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("byte"), (byte) (Byte.toUnsignedInt((Byte) object1) / Byte.toUnsignedInt((Byte) object2))); } if (object1 instanceof Float && object2 instanceof Float) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("float"), (float) ((float) (Float) object1 / (float) (Float) object2)); } if (object1 instanceof Double && object2 instanceof Double) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("double"), (double) ((double) (Double) object1 / (double) (Double) object2)); } if (r != null) stack.push(r); else typeError(,; } catch (ArithmeticException ex) { throw new ISBPLError("Arithmetic", "Division by 0"); } }; break; case "*": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o2 = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject o1 = stack.pop(); o1.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); o2.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); Object object1 = o1.object; Object object2 = o2.object; ISBPLObject r = null; if(object1 instanceof Integer && object2 instanceof Integer) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), (int) ((int) (Integer) object1 * (int) (Integer) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Long && object2 instanceof Long) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("long"), (long) ((long) (Long) object1 * (long) (Long) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Character && object2 instanceof Character) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("char"), (char) ((char) (Character) object1 * (char) (Character) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Byte && object2 instanceof Byte) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("byte"), (byte) (Byte.toUnsignedInt((Byte) object1) * Byte.toUnsignedInt((Byte) object2))); } if(object1 instanceof Float && object2 instanceof Float) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("float"), (float) ((float) (Float) object1 * (float) (Float) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Double && object2 instanceof Double) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("double"), (double) ((double) (Double) object1 * (double) (Double) object2)); } if(r != null) stack.push(r); else typeError(,; }; break; case "**": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o2 = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject o1 = stack.pop(); o1.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); o2.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); Object object1 = o1.object; Object object2 = o2.object; ISBPLObject r = null; if(object1 instanceof Integer && object2 instanceof Integer) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), (int) Math.pow((int) (Integer) object1, (int) (Integer) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Long && object2 instanceof Long) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("long"), (long) Math.pow((long) (Long) object1, (long) (Long) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Character && object2 instanceof Character) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("char"), (char) Math.pow((char) (Character) object1, (char) (Character) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Byte && object2 instanceof Byte) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("byte"), (byte) Math.pow(Byte.toUnsignedInt((Byte) object1), Byte.toUnsignedInt((Byte) object2))); } if(object1 instanceof Float && object2 instanceof Float) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("float"), (float) Math.pow((float) (Float) object1, (float) (Float) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Double && object2 instanceof Double) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("double"), (double) Math.pow((double) (Double) object1, (double) (Double) object2)); } if(r != null) stack.push(r); else typeError(,; }; break; case "%": func = (File file) -> { try { ISBPLObject o2 = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject o1 = stack.pop(); o1.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); o2.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("float"), getType("long"), getType("double")); Object object1 = o1.object; Object object2 = o2.object; ISBPLObject r = null; if (object1 instanceof Integer && object2 instanceof Integer) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), (int) ((int) (Integer) object1 % (int) (Integer) object2)); } if (object1 instanceof Long && object2 instanceof Long) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("long"), (long) ((long) (Long) object1 % (long) (Long) object2)); } if (object1 instanceof Character && object2 instanceof Character) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("char"), (char) ((char) (Character) object1 % (char) (Character) object2)); } if (object1 instanceof Byte && object2 instanceof Byte) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("byte"), (byte) (Byte.toUnsignedInt((Byte) object1) % Byte.toUnsignedInt((Byte) object2))); } if (object1 instanceof Float && object2 instanceof Float) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("float"), (float) ((float) (Float) object1 % (float) (Float) object2)); } if (object1 instanceof Double && object2 instanceof Double) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("double"), (double) ((double) (Double) object1 % (double) (Double) object2)); } if (r != null) stack.push(r); else typeError(,; } catch (ArithmeticException ex) { throw new ISBPLError("Arithmetic", "Division by 0"); } }; break; case "^": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o2 = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject o1 = stack.pop(); o1.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("long")); o2.checkTypeMulti(getType("int"), getType("byte"), getType("char"), getType("long")); Object object1 = o1.object; Object object2 = o2.object; ISBPLObject r = null; if(object1 instanceof Integer && object2 instanceof Integer) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), (int) ((int) (Integer) object1 ^ (int) (Integer) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Long && object2 instanceof Long) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("long"), (long) ((long) (Long) object1 ^ (long) (Long) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Character && object2 instanceof Character) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("char"), (char) ((char) (Character) object1 ^ (char) (Character) object2)); } if(object1 instanceof Byte && object2 instanceof Byte) { r = new ISBPLObject(getType("byte"), Byte.toUnsignedInt((Byte) object1) ^ Byte.toUnsignedInt((Byte) object2)); } if(r != null) stack.push(r); else typeError(,; }; break; case "dup": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o = stack.pop(); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(o.type, o.object)); stack.push(new ISBPLObject(o.type, o.object)); }; break; case "pop": func = (File file) -> stack.pop(); break; case "swap": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject o1 = stack.pop(); ISBPLObject o2 = stack.pop(); stack.push(o2); stack.push(o1); }; break; case "_last_word": func = (File file) -> { ISBPLObject i = stack.pop(); i.checkType(getType("int")); int n = (int) i.object; if(n >= lastWords.size()) throw new ISBPLError("IllegalArgument", "_last_words called with wrong argument"); stack.push(toISBPLString(lastWords.get(n))); }; break; } functionStack.peek().put(name, func); } private int createFunction(int i, String[] words, Stack stack) { i++; String name = words[i]; AtomicInteger integer = new AtomicInteger(++i); ISBPLCallable callable = readBlock(integer, words, stack, true); i = integer.get(); functionStack.peek().put(name, callable); return i; } private ISBPLCallable readBlock(AtomicInteger idx, String[] words, Stack stack, boolean isFunction) { ArrayList newWords = new ArrayList<>(); int i = idx.get(); i++; int lvl = 1; for (; i < words.length && lvl > 0 ; i++) { String word = words[i]; if(word.equals("{")) lvl++; if(word.equals("}")) { if(--lvl == 0) break; } newWords.add(word); } idx.set(i); String[] theWords = newWords.toArray(new String[0]); return (file) -> interpretRaw(file, theWords, stack, isFunction); } public String toJavaString(ISBPLObject string) { string.checkType(getType("string")); ISBPLObject[] array = ((ISBPLObject[]) string.object); char[] chars = new char[array.length]; for (int i = 0 ; i < array.length ; i++) { chars[i] = ((char) array[i].object); } return new String(chars); } public ISBPLObject toISBPLString(String s) { char[] chars = s.toCharArray(); ISBPLObject[] objects = new ISBPLObject[chars.length]; ISBPLType type = getType("char"); for (int i = 0 ; i < chars.length ; i++) { objects[i] = new ISBPLObject(type, chars[i]); } return new ISBPLObject(getType("string"), objects); } public ISBPLType registerType(String name) { ISBPLType type = new ISBPLType(name); types.add(type); return type; } // These will die as soon as std creates the real types and any types created before these are replaced become invalid. static final ISBPLType defaultTypeInt = new ISBPLType("int"); static final ISBPLType defaultTypeString = new ISBPLType("string"); public ISBPLType getType(String name) { for (int i = 0 ; i < types.size() ; i++) { if(types.get(i).name.equals(name)) return types.get(i); } if(name.equals("int")) return defaultTypeInt; if(name.equals("string")) return defaultTypeString; return null; } public void typeError(String got, String wanted) { throw new ISBPLError("IncompatibleTypes", "Incompatible types: " + got + " - " + wanted); } public void interpret(File file, String code, Stack stack) { code = cleanCode(code); String[] words = splitWords(code); interpretRaw(file, words, stack, false); } private void interpretRaw(File file, String[] words, Stack stack, boolean isFunction) { if(isFunction) functionStack.push(new HashMap<>()); try { for (int i = 0 ; i < words.length ; i++) { String word = words[i]; if (word.length() == 0) continue; if(debug) { String s = ""; for (int x = 0 ; x < functionStack.size() ; x++) { s += "\t"; } System.err.println(s + word + "\t\t" + stack); } while ( == 0) Thread.sleep(1); if( < 0) { if( < -1) { if ( == -2) { if (word.equals(debuggerIPC.until)) { = 0; while ( == 0) Thread.sleep(1); } } if ( == -3 && Thread.currentThread().getId() != debuggerIPC.threadID) { while ( == -3) Thread.sleep(1); } } } else; lastWords.add(0, word); while(lastWords.size() > 16) lastWords.remove(lastWords.size() - 1); ISBPLKeyword keyword = getKeyword(word); if (keyword != null) { i =, words, file, stack); continue; } ISBPLCallable func = functionStack.peek().get(word); if(func != null) {; continue; } func = functionStack.get(0).get(word); if(func != null) {; continue; } if (word.startsWith("\"")) { stack.push(toISBPLString(word.substring(1))); continue; } try { stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("int"), Integer.parseInt(word))); continue; } catch (Exception ignore) {} try { stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("long"), Long.parseLong(word))); continue; } catch (Exception ignore) {} try { stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("float"), Float.parseFloat(word))); continue; } catch (Exception ignore) {} try { stack.push(new ISBPLObject(getType("double"), Double.parseDouble(word))); continue; } catch (Exception ignore) {} throw new ISBPLError("InvalidWord", word + " is not a function, object, or keyword."); } } catch (ISBPLStop stop) { if(stop.amount == 0) return; throw new ISBPLStop(stop.amount); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if(isFunction) functionStack.pop(); } } // Magic, please test before pushing changes! private String[] splitWords(String code) { ArrayList words = new ArrayList<>(); char[] chars = code.toCharArray(); boolean isInString = false; boolean escaping = false; String word = ""; for (int i = 0 ; i < chars.length ; i++) { char c = chars[i]; if(isInString) { if(c == '\\') { escaping = !escaping; if(escaping) continue; } if(c == 'n' && escaping) { word += '\n'; escaping = false; continue; } if(c == 'r' && escaping) { escaping = false; word += '\r'; continue; } if(c == '"') { if (escaping) { escaping = false; } else { isInString = false; continue; } } word += c; if(escaping) throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing code: Invalid Escape."); } else if(c == '"' && word.length() == 0) { word += '"'; isInString = true; } else if(c == ' ') { words.add(word); word = ""; } else { word += c; } } words.add(word); return words.toArray(new String[0]); } private String cleanCode(String code) { return code .replaceAll("\r", "\n") .replaceAll("\n", " ") ; } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { Stack stack = new Stack<>(); ISBPL isbpl = new ISBPL(); isbpl.debuggerIPC.stack = stack; debug = !System.getenv().getOrDefault("DEBUG", "").equals(""); if(debug) { new ISBPLDebugger(isbpl).start(); } try { File std = new File(System.getenv().getOrDefault("ISBPL_PATH", "/usr/lib/isbpl") + "/std.isbpl"); isbpl.interpret(std, readFile(std), stack); File file = new File(args[0]).getAbsoluteFile(); isbpl.interpret(file, readFile(file), stack); stack.push(argarray(isbpl, args)); isbpl.interpret(file, "main exit", stack); } catch (ISBPLStop stop) { System.exit(isbpl.exitCode); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.out.println(stack); } } private static ISBPLObject argarray(ISBPL isbpl, String[] args) { ISBPLObject[] array = new ISBPLObject[args.length - 1]; for (int i = 1 ; i < args.length ; i++) { array[i - 1] = isbpl.toISBPLString(args[i]); } return new ISBPLObject(isbpl.getType("array"), array); } private static String readFile(File f) throws IOException { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f); ByteArrayOutputStream bytes = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); byte[] currentBytes = new byte[4096]; int len; while ((len = > 0) { bytes.write(currentBytes, 0, len); } return bytes.toString(); } } interface ISBPLKeyword { int call(int idx, String[] words, File file, Stack stack); } interface ISBPLCallable { void call(File file); } class ISBPLType { static int gid = -2; int id = gid++; String name; public ISBPLType(String name) { = name; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (!(o instanceof ISBPLType)) return false; ISBPLType type = (ISBPLType) o; return id ==; } @Override public int hashCode() { return id; } @Override public String toString() { return "ISBPLType{" + "id=" + id + ", name='" + name + '\'' + '}'; } } class ISBPLObject { final ISBPLType type; final Object object; public ISBPLObject(ISBPLType type, Object object) { this.type = type; this.object = object; } public boolean isTruthy() { return object != null && object != Integer.valueOf(0); } // This has heavy optimizations, please do not change unless necessary public boolean equals(Object o) { if(this == o) return true; if(!(o instanceof ISBPLObject)) return false; ISBPLObject object = (ISBPLObject) o; if(this.object == object.object) return true; if(this.object == null) return false; if(object.object == null) return false; if(this.object.getClass().isArray() || object.object.getClass().isArray()) { if(this.object.getClass().isArray() && object.object.getClass().isArray()) { return Arrays.equals((Object[]) this.object, (Object[]) object.object); } else { return false; } } return this.object.equals(object.object); } public void checkType(ISBPLType wanted) { if( != { throw new ISBPLError("IncompatibleTypes", "Incompatible types: " + + " - " +; } } public int checkTypeMulti(ISBPLType... wanted) { int f = -1; String wantedNames = ""; for (int i = 0 ; i < wanted.length ; i++) { wantedNames += " " + wanted[i].name; if(wanted[i].id == { f = i; break; } } if(f == -1) { throw new ISBPLError("IncompatibleTypes", "Incompatible types: " + + " - " + wantedNames.substring(1)); } return f; } @Override public String toString() { if(type != null && object instanceof ISBPLObject[]) { try { return "ISBPLObject{" + "type=" + type + ", object=" + Arrays.toString(((ISBPLObject[]) object)) + '}'; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return "ISBPLObject{" + "type=" + type + ", object=" + object + '}'; } public double toDouble() { if(object instanceof Integer) { return (double) (int) (Integer) object; } if(object instanceof Long) { return (double) (long) (Long) object; } if(object instanceof Character) { return (double) (char) (Character) object; } if(object instanceof Byte) { return Byte.toUnsignedInt((Byte) object); } if(object instanceof Float) { return (double) (float) (Float) object; } if(object instanceof Double) { return (double) (Double) object; } throw new ISBPLError("InvalidArgument", "The argument is not a number."); } public long toLong() { if(object instanceof Integer) { return (long) (int) (Integer) object; } if(object instanceof Long) { return (long) (Long) object; } if(object instanceof Character) { return (long) (char) (Character) object; } if(object instanceof Byte) { return Byte.toUnsignedInt((Byte) object); } if(object instanceof Float) { return (long) (float) (Float) object; } if(object instanceof Double) { return (long) (double) (Double) object; } throw new ISBPLError("InvalidArgument", "The argument is not a number."); } public Object negative() { if(object instanceof Integer) { return -(int) (Integer) object; } if(object instanceof Long) { return -(long) (Long) object; } if(object instanceof Float) { return -(float) (Float) object; } if(object instanceof Double) { return -(double) (Double) object; } throw new ISBPLError("InvalidArgument", "This type of number can't be negated!"); } } class ISBPLError extends RuntimeException { final String type; final String message; public ISBPLError(String type, String message) { this.type = type; this.message = message; } @Override public String getMessage() { return type + ": " + message; } } class ISBPLStop extends RuntimeException { int amount; public ISBPLStop(int amount) { this.amount = amount - 1; } } class ISBPLDebugger extends Thread { private ISBPL isbpl; public ISBPLDebugger(ISBPL isbpl) { this.isbpl = isbpl; = 0; } @Override public void run() { try { ServerSocket socket = new ServerSocket(9736); while (true) { Socket s = socket.accept(); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(s.getInputStream())); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { switch (line.split(" ")[0]) { case "continue": case "cont": case "c": = -1; break; case "stop": = 0; break; case "next": case "n": = 1; break; case "until": case "u": isbpl.debuggerIPC.until = line.split(" ")[1]; = -2; break; case "eval": = -3; isbpl.debuggerIPC.threadID = Thread.currentThread().getId(); try { isbpl.interpret(new File("_debug").getAbsoluteFile(), line.substring(5), isbpl.debuggerIPC.stack); } catch (ISBPLStop stop) { System.exit(isbpl.exitCode); } catch (Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); boolean fixed = false; while (!fixed) { try { System.err.println("Stack recovered: " + isbpl.debuggerIPC.stack); fixed = true; } catch (Exception e1) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("!!! STACK CORRUPTED!"); isbpl.debuggerIPC.stack.pop(); System.err.println("Popped. Trying again."); } } } break; case "dump": try { System.err.println("VAR DUMP\n----------------"); for (HashMap map : isbpl.functionStack) { for (String key : map.keySet()) { if(key.startsWith("=")) { map.get(key.substring(1)).call(new File("_debug").getAbsoluteFile()); System.err.println("\t" + key.substring(1) + ": \t" + isbpl.debuggerIPC.stack.pop()); } } System.err.println("----------------"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("!!! VARS CORRUPTED! CANNOT FIX AUTOMATICALLY."); } case "stack": boolean fixed = false; while (!fixed) { try { System.err.println("STACK DUMP"); for (ISBPLObject object : isbpl.debuggerIPC.stack) { System.err.println("\t" + object); } fixed = true; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("!!! STACK CORRUPTED!"); isbpl.debuggerIPC.stack.pop(); System.err.println("Popped. Trying again."); } } break; case "son": ISBPL.debug = true; break; case "soff": ISBPL.debug = false; break; case "exit": System.exit(255); break; default: break; } } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } static class IPC { long threadID; String until = null; int run = -1; Stack stack = null; } }