# Documentation: time.isbpl ## >Functions ### `sleep ::: delay -> ` Delay in millis ### `delay ::: delay -> ` Delay in millis ### `delays ::: delay -> ` Delay in seconds ### `getms ::: -> ms` Returns current unix millis ### `time ::: delay -> currentUnixMillis` Native to assist with time. Sleeps delay and returns current unix millis. ## >Variables ### Timer The Timer type. --- # Types ## >Timer Type to time the duration of operations ### Methods #### `start ::: -> ` Starts the timer #### `timeTaken ::: -> ms` Returns the number of millis between the last start & end calls #### `end ::: -> ` Stops the timer ### Variables #### startMS unix timestamp of last start call #### timeTakenTMP Temporary to store a cached value of the time taken #### stopMS unix timestamp of last stop call