Michael Davis 5a1bed2b70 Add parameter highlights to Erlang
This doesn't work robustly (within pattern matches). Only regular
bindings are highlighted as parameters. In order to highlight all
parameters even in matches, we would need an arbitrary nesting operator
in queries which doesn't exist yet in tree-sitter.
2022-11-24 11:07:05 +09:00

158 lines
3.5 KiB

; Attributes
; module declaration
name: (atom) @keyword
(arguments (atom) @namespace)
(#match? @keyword "(module|behaviou?r)"))
name: (atom) @keyword
(atom) @namespace)
(#eq? @keyword "import"))
name: (atom) @keyword
[(atom) @type (macro)]
(tuple (atom)? @variable.other.member)
left: (atom) @variable.other.member
operator: ["=" "::"]))
left: (atom) @variable.other.member
operator: "=")
operator: "::"))
(#eq? @keyword "record"))
name: (atom) @keyword
(atom) @constant
(variable) @constant
[(variable) (atom)] @keyword.directive)
(#eq? @keyword "define"))
name: (atom) @keyword
(_) @keyword.directive)
(#match? @keyword "ifn?def"))
name: (atom) @keyword
module: (atom) @namespace
(#match? @keyword "(spec|callback)"))
; Functions
(function_clause name: (atom) @function)
(call module: (atom) @namespace)
(call function: (atom) @function)
(stab_clause name: (atom) @function)
(function_capture module: (atom) @namespace)
(function_capture function: (atom) @function)
; Ignored variables
((variable) @comment.discard
(#match? @comment.discard "^_"))
; Parameters
; specs
name: (atom) @keyword
pattern: (arguments (variable) @variable.parameter)
body: (variable)? @variable.parameter))
(#match? @keyword "(spec|callback)"))
; functions
(function_clause pattern: (arguments (variable) @variable.parameter))
; anonymous functions
(stab_clause pattern: (arguments (variable) @variable.parameter))
; parametric types
name: (atom) @keyword
left: (call (arguments (variable) @variable.parameter))
operator: "::")))
(#match? @keyword "(type|opaque)"))
; macros
name: (atom) @keyword
(call (arguments (variable) @variable.parameter))))
(#eq? @keyword "define"))
; Records
left: (atom) @variable.other.member
operator: "="))
(record field: (atom) @variable.other.member)
(record name: (atom) @type)
; Keywords
(attribute name: (atom) @keyword)
["case" "fun" "if" "of" "when" "end" "receive" "try" "catch" "after" "begin" "maybe"] @keyword
; Operators
left: (atom) @function
operator: "/"
right: (integer) @constant.numeric.integer)
((binary_operator operator: _ @keyword.operator)
(#match? @keyword.operator "^\\w+$"))
((unary_operator operator: _ @keyword.operator)
(#match? @keyword.operator "^\\w+$"))
(binary_operator operator: _ @operator)
(unary_operator operator: _ @operator)
["/" ":" "->"] @operator
; Macros
"?"+ @constant
name: (_) @constant
"?"+ @keyword.directive
name: (_) @keyword.directive)
; Comments
(tripledot) @comment.discard
[(comment) (line_comment) (shebang)] @comment
; Basic types
(variable) @variable
((atom) @constant.builtin.boolean
(#match? @constant.builtin.boolean "^(true|false)$"))
(atom) @string.special.symbol
(string) @string
(character) @constant.character
(integer) @constant.numeric.integer
(float) @constant.numeric.float
; Punctuation
["," "." "-" ";"] @punctuation.delimiter
["(" ")" "#" "{" "}" "[" "]" "<<" ">>"] @punctuation.bracket
; (ERROR) @error