blt__ c988bd9629
Change built-in themes to use curly underlines (#5419)
* Change built-in themes to use curly underlines

* Change fleet_dark to use curly underlines
2023-01-12 13:22:16 +09:00

84 lines
2.2 KiB

# Author: Two-Six<twopsix@duck.com>
"ui.background" = {bg="nord6"}
"ui.text" = "nord0"
"ui.selection" = {bg="nord7", fg="nord6"}
"ui.cursorline" = {bg="nord4"}
"ui.statusline" = {bg="nord4", fg="nord0"}
"ui.statusline.inactive" = {bg="nord5", fg="nord0"}
"ui.virtual" = "nord8"
"ui.virtual.ruler" = {bg="nord4"}
"ui.cursor.match" = {bg="nord8"}
"ui.cursor" = {bg="nord10", fg="nord6"}
"ui.cursorline.primary" = {bg="nord5"}
"ui.linenr" = {fg="nord7"}
"ui.linenr.selected" = {fg="nord0", bg="nord5"}
"ui.menu" = {bg="nord4",fg="nord0"}
"ui.menu.selected" = {bg="nord5"}
"ui.popup" = {bg="nord4"}
"ui.popup.info" = {bg="nord4",fg="nord0"}
"ui.help" = {bg="nord4",fg="nord0"}
"ui.window" = {bg="nord4"}
"ui.statusline.normal" = { fg = "nord0", bg = "nord8" }
"ui.statusline.insert" = { fg = "nord0", bg = "nord13" }
"ui.statusline.select" = { fg = "nord0", bg = "nord15" }
"diagnostic.error" = { underline = { color = "nord11", style = "curl" } }
"diagnostic.warning" = { underline = { color = "nord13", style = "curl" } }
"diagnostic.info" = { underline = { color = "nord13", style = "curl" } }
"diagnostic.hint" = { underline = { color = "nord13", style = "curl" } }
"constant.numeric" = {fg="nord15"}
"constant.builtin" = {fg="nord15"}
"keyword" = {fg="nord2"}
"keyword.control" = {fg="nord2"}
"keyword.function" = {fg="nord2"}
"function" = {fg="nord3"}
"function.macro" = {fg="nord10", modifiers=["bold"]}
"function.method" = {fg="nord0"}
"function.builtin" = {fg="nord10"}
"variable.builtin" = {fg="nord3"}
"variable.other" = {fg="nord3"}
"variable" = {fg="nord0"}
"string" = "nord14"
"comment" = "nord7"
"namespace" = {fg="nord10"}
"attribute" = {fg="nord10"}
"type" = {fg="nord10"}
"markup.heading" = {fg="nord0", modifiers=["bold"]}
"markup.raw" = {fg="nord10"}
"markup.link.url" = {fg="nord3"}
"markup.link.text" = {fg="nord12"}
"markup.quote" = {fg="nord3", modifiers=["italic"]}
"diff.plus" = {fg = "nord14"}
"diff.delta" = {fg = "nord13"}
"diff.minus" = {fg = "nord11"}
nord0 = "#2E3440"
nord1 = "#3B4252"
nord2 = "#434C5E"
nord3 = "#4C566A"
nord4 = "#D8DEE9"
nord5 = "#E5E9F0"
nord6 = "#ECEFF4"
nord7 = "#8FBCBB"
nord8 = "#88C0D0"
nord9 = "#81A1C1"
nord10 = "#5E81AC"
nord11 = "#BF616A"
nord12 = "#D08770"
nord13 = "#EBCB8B"
nord14 = "#A3BE8C"
nord15 = "#B48EAD"