leonqadirie 7ac72a39cb
Fix kanagawa theme lint and added git gutter colors (#5273)
* Fix kanagawa theme lint

Comprises 4 changes:
1. added "sumiInk3" as ui.cursorline.primary bg color
2. switched the cursor bg and fg colors (now in line with original theme)
3. added ui.menu and ui.selected colors
4. separated ui.selection and ui.selection.primary

* Add git gutter colors to kanagawa theme

In line with original:
autumnGreen for adds
autumnRed for deletes
autumnYellow for changes

* Add indent-guides and linenr.selected to kanagawa

* indent-guides are sumiInk4
* Add ui.linenr.selected is roninYellow

* Set ui.help bg to sumiInk1
2022-12-27 18:55:40 -06:00

138 lines
5.2 KiB

# Kanagawa
# Author: zetashift
# Adaptation of https://github.com/rebelot/kanagawa.nvim
# Original author: rebelot
# All credits to the original author, the palette is taken from the README
# because of some theming differences, it's not an exact copy of the original.
## User interface
"ui.selection" = { bg = "waveBlue2" }
"ui.selection.primary" = { bg = "waveBlue1" }
"ui.background" = { fg = "fujiWhite", bg = "sumiInk1" }
"ui.linenr" = { fg = "sumiInk4" }
"ui.linenr.selected" = { fg = "roninYellow" }
"ui.virtual.indent-guide" = "sumiInk4"
"ui.statusline" = { fg = "oldWhite", bg = "sumiInk0" }
"ui.statusline.inactive" = { fg = "fujiGray", bg = "sumiInk0" }
"ui.statusline.normal" = { fg = "sumiInk0", bg = "crystalBlue", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"ui.statusline.insert" = { fg = "sumiInk0", bg = "autumnGreen" }
"ui.statusline.select" = { fg = "sumiInk0", bg = "oniViolet" }
"ui.bufferline" = { fg = "oldWhite", bg = "sumiInk0" }
"ui.bufferline.inactive" = { fg = "fujiGray", bg = "sumiInk0" }
"ui.popup" = { fg = "fujiWhite", bg = "sumiInk0" }
"ui.window" = { fg = "fujiWhite" }
"ui.help" = { fg = "fujiWhite", bg = "sumiInk1" }
"ui.text" = "fujiWhite"
"ui.text.focus" = { fg = "fujiWhite", bg = "waveBlue1", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"ui.virtual" = "waveBlue1"
"ui.cursor" = { fg = "waveBlue1", bg = "fujiWhite"}
"ui.cursor.primary" = { fg = "waveBlue1", bg = "seaFoam" }
"ui.cursor.match" = { fg = "seaFoam", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"ui.highlight" = { fg = "fujiWhite", bg = "waveBlue2" }
"ui.menu" = { fg = "fujiWhite", bg = "sumiInk1" }
"ui.menu.selected" = { fg = "fujiWhite", bg = "waveBlue1" }
"ui.cursorline.primary" = { bg = "sumiInk3"}
diagnostic = { modifiers = ["underlined"] }
error = "samuraiRed"
warning = "roninYellow"
info = "waveAqua1"
hint = "dragonBlue"
## Git gutter
"diff.plus" = "autumnGreen"
"diff.minus" = "autumnRed"
"diff.delta" = "autumnYellow"
## Syntax highlighting
"type" = "waveAqua2"
"constant" = "surimiOrange"
"constant.numeric" = "sakuraPink"
"constant.character.escape" = "springBlue"
"string" = "springGreen"
"string.regexp" = "boatYellow2"
"comment" = "fujiGray"
"variable" = "fujiWhite"
"variable.builtin" = "waveRed"
"variable.parameter" = "carpYellow"
"variable.other.member" = "carpYellow"
"label" = "springBlue"
"punctuation" = "springViolet2"
"punctuation.delimiter" = "springViolet2"
"punctuation.bracket" = "springViolet2"
"keyword" = "oniViolet"
"keyword.directive" = "peachRed"
"operator" = "boatYellow2"
"function" = "crystalBlue"
"function.builtin" = "peachRed"
"function.macro" = "waveRed"
"tag" = "springBlue"
"namespace" = "surimiOrange"
"attribute" = "peachRed"
"constructor" = "springBlue"
"module" = "waveAqua2"
"special" = "peachRed"
## Markup modifiers
"markup.heading.marker" = "fujiGray"
"markup.heading.1" = { fg = "surimiOrange", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"markup.heading.2" = { fg = "carpYellow", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"markup.heading.3" = { fg = "waveAqua2", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"markup.heading.4" = { fg = "springGreen", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"markup.heading.5" = { fg = "waveRed", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"markup.heading.6" = { fg = "autumnRed", modifiers = ["bold"] }
"markup.list" = "oniViolet"
"markup.bold" = { modifiers = ["bold"] }
"markup.italic" = { modifiers = ["italic"] }
"markup.link.url" = { fg = "springBlue", modifiers = ["underlined"] }
"markup.link.text" = "crystalBlue"
"markup.quote" = "seaFoam"
"markup.raw" = "seaFoam"
seaFoam = "#C7CCD1" # custom lighter foreground
fujiWhite = "#DCD7BA" # default foreground
oldWhite = "#C8C093" # dark foreground, e.g. statuslines
sumiInk0 = "#16161D" # dark background, e.g. statuslines, floating windows
sumiInk1 = "#1F1F28" # default background
sumiInk3 = "#363646" # lighter background, e.g. colorcolumns and folds
sumiInk4 = "#54546D" # darker foreground, e.g. linenumbers, fold column
waveBlue1 = "#223249" # popup background, visual selection background
waveBlue2 = "#2D4F67" # popup selection background, search background
winterGreen = "#2B3328" # diff add background
winterYellow = "#49443C" # diff change background
winterRed = "#43242B" # diff deleted background
winterBlue = "#252535" # diff line background
autumnGreen = "#76946A" # git add
autumnRed = "#C34043" # git delete
autumnYellow = "#DCA561" # git change
samuraiRed = "#E82424" # diagnostic error
roninYellow = "#FF9E3B" # diagnostic warning
waveAqua1 = "#6A9589" # diagnostic info
dragonBlue = "#658594" # diagnostic hint
fujiGray = "#727169" # comments
springViolet1 = "#938AA9" # light foreground
oniViolet = "#957FB8" # statements and keywords
crystalBlue = "#7E9CD8" # functions and titles
springViolet2 = "#9CABCA" # brackets and punctuation
springBlue = "#7FB4CA" # specials and builtins
lightBlue = "#A3D4D5" # not used!
waveAqua2 = "#7AA89F" # types
springGreen = "#98BB6C" # strings
boatYellow1 = "#938056" # not used
boatYellow2 = "#C0A36E" # operators, regex
carpYellow = "#E6C384" # identifiers
sakuraPink = "#D27E99" # numbers
waveRed = "#E46876" # standout specials 1, e.g. builtin variables
peachRed = "#FF5D62" # standout specials 2, e.g. exception handling, returns
surimiOrange = "#FFA066" # constants, imports, booleans
katanaGray = "#717C7C" # deprecated