use super::*; #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn insert_mode_cursor_position() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test(TestCase { in_text: String::new(), in_selection: Selection::single(0, 0), in_keys: "i".into(), out_text: String::new(), out_selection: Selection::single(0, 0), }) .await?; test(("#[\n|]#", "i", "#[|\n]#")).await?; test(("#[\n|]#", "i", "#[|\n]#")).await?; test(("#[\n|]#", "ii", "#[|\n]#")).await?; Ok(()) } /// Range direction is preserved when escaping insert mode to normal #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn insert_to_normal_mode_cursor_position() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test(("#[f|]#oo\n", "vll", "#[|foo]#\n")).await?; test(( indoc! {"\ #[f|]#oo #(b|)#ar" }, "vll", indoc! {"\ #[|foo]# #(|bar)#" }, )) .await?; test(( indoc! {"\ #[f|]#oo #(b|)#ar" }, "a", indoc! {"\ #[fo|]#o #(ba|)#r" }, )) .await?; test(( indoc! {"\ #[f|]#oo #(b|)#ar" }, "a", indoc! {"\ #[f|]#oo #(b|)#ar" }, )) .await?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn surround_by_character() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // Only pairs matching the passed character count test(( "(so [many {go#[o|]#d} text] here)", "mi{", "(so [many {#[good|]#} text] here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so [many {go#[o|]#d} text] here)", "mi[", "(so [#[many {good} text|]#] here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so [many {go#[o|]#d} text] here)", "mi(", "(#[so [many {good} text] here|]#)", )) .await?; // Works with characters that aren't pairs too test(( "'so 'many 'go#[o|]#d' text' here'", "mi'", "'so 'many '#[good|]#' text' here'", )) .await?; test(( "'so 'many 'go#[o|]#d' text' here'", "2mi'", "'so '#[many 'good' text|]#' here'", )) .await?; test(( "'so \"many 'go#[o|]#d' text\" here'", "mi\"", "'so \"#[many 'good' text|]#\" here'", )) .await?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn surround_inside_pair() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // Works at first character of buffer // TODO: Adjust test when opening pair failure is fixed test(("#[(|]#something)", "mim", "#[(|]#something)")).await?; // Inside a valid pair selects pair test(("some (#[t|]#ext) here", "mim", "some (#[text|]#) here")).await?; // On pair character selects pair // TODO: Opening pair character is a known failure case that needs addressing // test(("some #[(|]#text) here", "mim", "some (#[text|]#) here")).await?; test(("some (text#[)|]# here", "mim", "some (#[text|]#) here")).await?; // No valid pair does nothing test(("so#[m|]#e (text) here", "mim", "so#[m|]#e (text) here")).await?; // Count skips to outer pairs test(( "(so (many (go#[o|]#d) text) here)", "1mim", "(so (many (#[good|]#) text) here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so (many (go#[o|]#d) text) here)", "2mim", "(so (#[many (good) text|]#) here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so (many (go#[o|]#d) text) here)", "3mim", "(#[so (many (good) text) here|]#)", )) .await?; // Matching pairs outside selection don't match test(( "((so)((many) go#[o|]#d (text))(here))", "mim", "((so)(#[(many) good (text)|]#)(here))", )) .await?; test(( "((so)((many) go#[o|]#d (text))(here))", "2mim", "(#[(so)((many) good (text))(here)|]#)", )) .await?; // Works with mixed braces test(( "(so [many {go#[o|]#d} text] here)", "mim", "(so [many {#[good|]#} text] here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so [many {go#[o|]#d} text] here)", "2mim", "(so [#[many {good} text|]#] here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so [many {go#[o|]#d} text] here)", "3mim", "(#[so [many {good} text] here|]#)", )) .await?; // Selection direction is preserved test(( "(so [many {go#[|od]#} text] here)", "mim", "(so [many {#[|good]#} text] here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so [many {go#[|od]#} text] here)", "2mim", "(so [#[|many {good} text]#] here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so [many {go#[|od]#} text] here)", "3mim", "(#[|so [many {good} text] here]#)", )) .await?; // Only pairs outside of full selection range are considered test(( "(so (many (go#[od) |]#text) here)", "mim", "(so (#[many (good) text|]#) here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so (many#[ (go|]#od) text) here)", "mim", "(so (#[many (good) text|]#) here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so#[ (many (go|]#od) text) here)", "mim", "(#[so (many (good) text) here|]#)", )) .await?; test(( "(so (many (go#[od) text) |]#here)", "mim", "(#[so (many (good) text) here|]#)", )) .await?; // Works with multiple cursors test(( "(so (many (good) text) #[he|]#re\nso (many (good) text) #(|he)#re)", "mim", "(#[so (many (good) text) here\nso (many (good) text) here|]#)", )) .await?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn surround_around_pair() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // Works at first character of buffer // TODO: Adjust test when opening pair failure is fixed test(("#[(|]#something)", "mam", "#[(|]#something)")).await?; // Inside a valid pair selects pair test(("some (#[t|]#ext) here", "mam", "some #[(text)|]# here")).await?; // On pair character selects pair // TODO: Opening pair character is a known failure case that needs addressing // test(("some #[(|]#text) here", "mam", "some #[(text)|]# here")).await?; test(("some (text#[)|]# here", "mam", "some #[(text)|]# here")).await?; // No valid pair does nothing test(("so#[m|]#e (text) here", "mam", "so#[m|]#e (text) here")).await?; // Count skips to outer pairs test(( "(so (many (go#[o|]#d) text) here)", "1mam", "(so (many #[(good)|]# text) here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so (many (go#[o|]#d) text) here)", "2mam", "(so #[(many (good) text)|]# here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so (many (go#[o|]#d) text) here)", "3mam", "#[(so (many (good) text) here)|]#", )) .await?; // Matching pairs outside selection don't match test(( "((so)((many) go#[o|]#d (text))(here))", "mam", "((so)#[((many) good (text))|]#(here))", )) .await?; test(( "((so)((many) go#[o|]#d (text))(here))", "2mam", "#[((so)((many) good (text))(here))|]#", )) .await?; // Works with mixed braces test(( "(so [many {go#[o|]#d} text] here)", "mam", "(so [many #[{good}|]# text] here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so [many {go#[o|]#d} text] here)", "2mam", "(so #[[many {good} text]|]# here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so [many {go#[o|]#d} text] here)", "3mam", "#[(so [many {good} text] here)|]#", )) .await?; // Selection direction is preserved test(( "(so [many {go#[|od]#} text] here)", "mam", "(so [many #[|{good}]# text] here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so [many {go#[|od]#} text] here)", "2mam", "(so #[|[many {good} text]]# here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so [many {go#[|od]#} text] here)", "3mam", "#[|(so [many {good} text] here)]#", )) .await?; // Only pairs outside of full selection range are considered test(( "(so (many (go#[od) |]#text) here)", "mam", "(so #[(many (good) text)|]# here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so (many#[ (go|]#od) text) here)", "mam", "(so #[(many (good) text)|]# here)", )) .await?; test(( "(so#[ (many (go|]#od) text) here)", "mam", "#[(so (many (good) text) here)|]#", )) .await?; test(( "(so (many (go#[od) text) |]#here)", "mam", "#[(so (many (good) text) here)|]#", )) .await?; // Works with multiple cursors test(( "(so (many (good) text) #[he|]#re\nso (many (good) text) #(|he)#re)", "mam", "#[(so (many (good) text) here\nso (many (good) text) here)|]#", )) .await?; Ok(()) } /// Ensure the very initial cursor in an opened file is the width of /// the first grapheme #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn cursor_position_newly_opened_file() -> anyhow::Result<()> { let test = |content: &str, expected_sel: Selection| -> anyhow::Result<()> { let file = helpers::temp_file_with_contents(content)?; let mut app = helpers::AppBuilder::new() .with_file(file.path(), None) .build()?; let (view, doc) = helix_view::current!(app.editor); let sel = doc.selection(; assert_eq!(expected_sel, sel); Ok(()) }; test("foo", Selection::single(0, 1))?; test("๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€๐Ÿ‘งโ€๐Ÿ‘ฆ foo", Selection::single(0, 7))?; test("", Selection::single(0, 0))?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn cursor_position_append_eof() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // Selection is forwards test(( "#[foo|]#", "abar", helpers::platform_line("#[foobar|]#\n"), )) .await?; // Selection is backwards test(( "#[|foo]#", "abar", helpers::platform_line("#[foobar|]#\n"), )) .await?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn select_mode_tree_sitter_next_function_is_union_of_objects() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_with_config( AppBuilder::new().with_file("", None), ( helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\ #[/|]#// Increments fn inc(x: usize) -> usize { x + 1 } /// Decrements fn dec(x: usize) -> usize { x - 1 } "}), "]fv]f", helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\ /// Increments #[fn inc(x: usize) -> usize { x + 1 } /// Decrements fn dec(x: usize) -> usize { x - 1 }|]# "}), ), ) .await?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn select_mode_tree_sitter_prev_function_unselects_object() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test_with_config( AppBuilder::new().with_file("", None), ( helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\ /// Increments #[fn inc(x: usize) -> usize { x + 1 } /// Decrements fn dec(x: usize) -> usize { x - 1 }|]# "}), "v[f", helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\ /// Increments #[fn inc(x: usize) -> usize { x + 1 }|]# /// Decrements fn dec(x: usize) -> usize { x - 1 } "}), ), ) .await?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn select_mode_tree_sitter_prev_function_goes_backwards_to_object() -> anyhow::Result<()> { // Note: the anchor stays put and the head moves back. test_with_config( AppBuilder::new().with_file("", None), ( helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\ /// Increments fn inc(x: usize) -> usize { x + 1 } /// Decrements fn dec(x: usize) -> usize { x - 1 } /// Identity #[fn ident(x: usize) -> usize { x }|]# "}), "v[f", helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\ /// Increments fn inc(x: usize) -> usize { x + 1 } /// Decrements #[|fn dec(x: usize) -> usize { x - 1 } /// Identity ]#fn ident(x: usize) -> usize { x } "}), ), ) .await?; test_with_config( AppBuilder::new().with_file("", None), ( helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\ /// Increments fn inc(x: usize) -> usize { x + 1 } /// Decrements fn dec(x: usize) -> usize { x - 1 } /// Identity #[fn ident(x: usize) -> usize { x }|]# "}), "v[f[f", helpers::platform_line(indoc! {"\ /// Increments #[|fn inc(x: usize) -> usize { x + 1 } /// Decrements fn dec(x: usize) -> usize { x - 1 } /// Identity ]#fn ident(x: usize) -> usize { x } "}), ), ) .await?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn find_char_line_ending() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test(( helpers::platform_line(indoc! { "\ one #[|t]#wo three" }), "Tgll2f", helpers::platform_line(indoc! { "\ one two#[ |]#three" }), )) .await?; test(( helpers::platform_line(indoc! { "\ #[|o]#ne two three" }), "f2tghTF", helpers::platform_line(indoc! { "\ one#[| t]#wo three" }), )) .await?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn test_surround_replace() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test(( platform_line(indoc! {"\ (#[|a]#) "}), "mrm{", platform_line(indoc! {"\ {#[|a]#} "}), )) .await?; test(( platform_line(indoc! {"\ (#[a|]#) "}), "mrm{", platform_line(indoc! {"\ {#[a|]#} "}), )) .await?; Ok(()) } #[tokio::test(flavor = "multi_thread")] async fn test_surround_delete() -> anyhow::Result<()> { test(( platform_line(indoc! {"\ (#[|a]#) "}), "mdm", platform_line(indoc! {"\ #[|a]# "}), )) .await?; test(( platform_line(indoc! {"\ (#[a|]#) "}), "mdm", platform_line(indoc! {"\ #[a|]# "}), )) .await?; Ok(()) }